Adding units of measurement to parts in Next Plus can greatly enhance the accuracy and precision of the information conveyed. Units of measurement such as liters, centimeters, inches, and more, provide a standardized way to describe the size, shape, and quantity of a given part. This not only helps to define the part type in a more specific manner but also ensures that everyone in the system can understand and interpret the information in the same way.

Create a New Unit of Measurement

  1. Go to Modeling → Parts → Units
  2. Click on + and add a new unit. Make sure to choose a clear and descriptive name that accurately reflects the unit's purpose.
  3. Click SAVE


Set Unit of Measurement to a Part

  1. Go to Modeling → Parts → Parts
  2. Locate the wanted part in the list.
  3. Click on the Edit icon.
  4. Set the unit of measurement from the drop down menu.
  5. Click Save and Publish (or just save the part).