Hi there,

I’m sure that you, as us, had the feeling that Next Plus can help you in many ways to be more accurate and punctual in your Time consuming processes.

Won’t it be easier to let Next Plus calculate Curing time. Predicting exactly when your product can be moved to its next phase.

Then - this time can be displayed on a billboard with all you Work Orders?

Wouldn’t it be great to have a timetable for all of your products ?

Oven time, maybe ESS time or just cooldown times ?

How about some Date arithmetic

Well, now you can!

Introducing two calculation functions:

Date Add

As a user, I want to be able to add time to a given date.

Just set a date, a “diff” operator and operator’s units, in our dateAdd trigger formula, and you will get the calculated future date.

Syntax :dateAdd(Date (custom field), Number (positive or negative), Unit)

Valid units are: