
What can be better than a single email that summarizes all of your forms’ statuses in Next Plus?

“A whole bunch of other things… 😃”. Yes, however, they are not covered in this article.

Digest Email feature enables to configure a summary email, with the following data:

All you have to do is to configure the:

  1. When?
  2. Who?
  3. What?

<aside> ℹ️ A single digest email can be configured. One cannot set up multiple digests.


Some Rules

Only one Digest email can be configured in Next Plus.

Each user will see forms that he opened, forms that were assigned to him, and forms that were opened by his subordinates.

The “When”?

Go to: Settings → System → Digest Email Settings

  1. Activate the “Send daily digest email” toggle switch.
  2. Select users - this list of users will get ALL the forms in the system.